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3 Questions To Ask Before Buying Your Next Home
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New Purchase
13 Aug 2024
3 Questions To Ask Before Buying Your Next Home

Should I use my CPF to pay off my mortgage?
Home Loan
Interest Rates
New Purchase
22 Jul 2024
Should I use my CPF to pay off my mortgage?

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Home Loan Articles

What Should Homeowners Do About Rising Interest Rates?
Home Loan
14 Jul 2022
What Should Homeowners Do About Rising Interest Rates?

Interest rates are rising quickly in 2022 and many housing loan repayments are expected to rise significantly in the months ahead. Here are three steps to take.

4 Things Homeowners Need To Watch For In 2022 As Home Loan Rates Go Up
Home Loan
20 Jul 2022
4 Things Homeowners Need To Watch For In 2022 As Home Loan Rates Go Up

With home loan fixed rates rising and 3M SORA soaring past the 1.00% mark, 2022 is going to be a tough year for homeowners

Income Weighted Average Age and Loan-to-Value
Home Loan
03 May 2022
Income Weighted Average Age and Loan-to-Value

Did you know that as joint borrowers, your age difference may affect your ability to get home loan financing?

Guide to getting CPF, IRAS and HDB documents
Home Loan
09 Feb 2022
Guide to getting CPF, IRAS and HDB documents

When obtaining a home loan in Singapore, whether it's a new purchase or refinancing, you'll need to obtain several documents from the CPF, IRAS and HDB websites. Our step-by-step guide helps you download the 9 most common income documents required.

HDB Home Protection Scheme (HPS) – what are your options?
Home Loan
01 Dec 2020
HDB Home Protection Scheme (HPS) – what are your options?

HDB homeowners paying their home loan with CPF savings are automatically enrolled in the Home Protection Scheme. Is this compulsory? Are there alternatives? Here's how HPS compares with other mortgage reducing term assurance plans.

7 steps to choose the right home loan package in Singapore
Home Loan
27 Apr 2022
7 steps to choose the right home loan package in Singapore

With so many home loan packages offered by banks and financial institutions in Singapore, how can you choose the best one for yourself? Based on our decades of shared experience in the industry, we share 7 steps that you'll need to take.

Contactless Application for Home Loans in Singapore
Home Loan
28 Feb 2020
Contactless Application for Home Loans in Singapore

These days, there are many reasons why you may not want to meet someone face-to-face. Find out how you can apply for home loans in Singapore without ever needing to meet someone!

Based on a True Story - Why Approaching a Mortgage Broker is better than an individual Bank
Home Loan
19 Oct 2018
Based on a True Story - Why Approaching a Mortgage Broker is better than an individual Bank

Our CEO, David Baey, shares how his time as a banker led him to discover the mortgage broker career. Read about his win-win-win-win strategy for the home loan industry in Singapore!

The Mortgage Market in Singapore is Broken
Home Loan
20 Feb 2020
The Mortgage Market in Singapore is Broken

The mortgage market is like a train threatening to go off the rails. Left to their own devices, homeowners have to spend hours researching through multiple diverse home loan packages offered by several banks in Singapore, or they risk choosing poorly. Mortgage brokers are the solution.

The Singaporean Guide to Home Loan Interest Rates
Home Loan
06 Feb 2020
The Singaporean Guide to Home Loan Interest Rates

Confused about mortgage loans and what they mean in Singapore? What is the meaning of fixed rate home loans or SIBOR? We help you make sense of home loan rates.

Let me know when interest rates drop!